A Puzzling New Year

I’m a big fan of puzzles. Give me a brain teaser, a number pattern, a rubik’s cube or some blocks that don’t quite seem like they’ll fit together and watch as I disappear until I’ve figured it out (this is why my wife no longer gives me puzzles as gifts). …

Desmos for Halloween!

If you’re anything like me, you’re always looking for great ways to incorporate Desmos into class. Tomorrow, most of my students will want to talk about Halloween, understandably. So, if you build it… Here’s an excellent new Halloween Activity! Have your students travel the Halloween Maze! Here are 3 great …

Stuck In My Own Perspective

In a recent Teach Like A Pirate chat (#TLAP) Dave Burgess and I responded to a question independently and identically, causing me to respond with this. Perspective is everything. I have a really cool niece named Anna who’s 13. She got the chance to fly with her dad (hereafter known as …