Act 1: The Dessert Table
The easy question is “How many donuts are on the table?”
The answer to question 1 is easy. Looks like the table is 20 cups long by 7 cups wide, so 140 cups.
140 x 12 = 1,680 Munchkins.
I prefer to go deeper.
Act 2:
The cup is 4.75 inches tall, 2.25 inches across the bottom, 3.5 inches across the top.
The cup top is half of a sphere with a radius of 1.75 inches.
Dunkin Donuts puts in 12 munchkins.
That may sound like a lot of donut, but I’m not the type to be easily satisfied.
Act 3: More Donuts
Question: If the donut cup could truly be filled with donut (squished into every edge),
How many more Munchkins would be on the table?
This moves from an arithmetic problem to a volume problem!
Volume of the cup is
see here for background
Volume of the Hemisphere top: V = 2/3R^3
Using r = 1.125 and R = 1.75 and h = 4.5
Volume of the cup is = 40.9 cubic inches.
There are already 1,680 of these:
Each Munchkin averages a 1.6 inch diameter sphere, giving it a volume of 2.14 cubic inches.
Therefore: each cup should be able to fit 19.11 munchkins in it.
If it did, the table would have…
2675.4 Munchkins on it!
Dear Dunkin Donuts…I’m hungry.
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